About ANN

About the American Nystagmus Network

The American Nystagmus Network grew out of the creation of a website and an e-mail discussion list back in late 1996. Its founder is Jeffrey Beall, a former librarian at Harvard University who has congenital nystagmus. Jeffrey’s e-mail list started with a handful of adults that grew to about 1400+ members, comprising adults and teens with nystagmus, parents and grandparents of nystagmus children, educators, and medical professionals. Although Jeffrey is no longer an active member of ANN, we are eternally grateful for his insight and initiative in starting ANN.

Non-Profit Status

As a result of steady engagement, the American Nystagmus Network formed a not for profit (501(c)3) corporation in February, 1999. Also in February ANN formed an interim board and established an acting president. In March the organization drafted its mission statement and acquired the domain name nystagmus.org. In June, 1999 it received a 5 year provisional tax-exempt status. ANN received its full status in 2004. The organization held its inaugural meeting and conference July 30-31, 1999 in Cleveland, OH.

Since the first conference in 1999, we have hosted regular biennial conferences around the U.S. You can find information on our website from our previous and upcoming conference. In addition to our conferences, ANN established a scholarship fund and assistive technology grant fund.

An All Volunteer Organization

As a result of its quick growth,  ANN is run by an all-volunteer Board of Directors. ANN is always looking for new members to help achieve the purpose outlined in the mission statement. Achieving these goals is not easy. One of the primary sources of income are dues paid by our members. If you are interested in supporting ANN and our mission, we encourage you to join and/or donate.

In addition to being a not for profit organization, ANN’s Board of Directors is 100% volunteer. The entire board meets monthly via conference call. Frequently individual committees conduct other calls throughout the month as needed to address regular business. On years opposite the conference, the board meets face to face for an extended working meeting with travel and lodging expenses paid for by each Director.


Get Involved

ANN is an all-volunteer run organization, and we rely on volunteers to do the organization’s work. Ann is continuously working to improve the ways we recruit and utilize volunteers to maximize their talents.