Get Involved
Donate to the American Nystagmus Network
Your generous contributions support programming, awareness, and support activities.
We offer three ways to contribute to our efforts:
Biennial Conferences
Every 2 years ANN hosts a conference in the summer time frame. The specific dates and locations vary with each conference. The conference is aimed at educating and supporting all those affected by nystagmus, and connecting such people together. Contributions help to defray the costs of organizing and hosting the event.
Each year, ANN offers college scholarships to students with nystagmus. The first year we provided one $1,000 scholarship. In the last few years, through a very generous donor and membership support, we now award five $1000 scholarships. It is through continued member support and donations that we are able to continue offering scholarships.
Regional Meet Ups
Throughout the course of the year ANN volunteers hold regional meet ups to share stories, experiences, tips and tricks for handling nystagmus on a day-to-day basis. These informal meetings are a great way to share information and make new friends.
Volunteer for the American Nystagmus Network
ANN is an all-volunteer run organization, and we rely on those volunteers to do the organization’s work.
ANN is working to improve the way we recruit and utilize volunteers to maximize their talents.
If you are willing to help out with ANN’s mission, please fill out the volunteer form below. We will contact you about future tasks and opportunities for help. Please consider sharing your passions, gifts, and skills to help us move the mission forward.