ANN Scholarship Program

The American Nystagmus Network, Inc. (ANN), is a nonprofit organization serving the needs and interests of all those affected by nystagmus. ANN has established a scholarship program specifically for students diagnosed with nystagmus. The scholarship’s goal is to assist students who plan to continue their education in college or vocational school programs. The scholarship is offered for full-time study at an accredited institution of the student’s choice.

Each student selected as a recipient will receive an award of up to $1,000. Up to five (5) awards will be granted each year. Awards are not renewable, but students may reapply to the program each year they meet eligibility requirements. Each year, ANN will award at least one Mike Arm Scholarship

This scholarship is intended for undergraduate, graduate, and vocational study. Awards are granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability, or national origin.

March 31stApplication submission period begins
May 31stApplication submission period ends
June 30thRecipients are announced
August 15thScholarships are paid to institutions


Applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Be a student seeking postsecondary education who is one of the following:
    1. a high school senior or graduate or
    2. a current undergraduate- or graduate-level student.
  2. Plan to enroll or already be enrolled in full-time undergraduate or graduate study at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school for the entire upcoming academic year. The institution must be within the US.
  3. Be diagnosed with nystagmus by a medical professional.

Students who are not members of the American Nystagmus Network are welcome to apply for the scholarship program if they meet all above eligibility conditions.


To apply for the scholarship, interested students must provide the following items:

  1. Application— A completed online application, including the following sections written in the student’s own words:
    1. Extracurricular Activities- A statement describing your participation and leadership in school and community activities.
    2. Educational Aspiration- A statement describing your education and career goals.
    3. Experience Statement- A statement about your own experience with nystagmus. This statement should describe your challenges in living with nystagmus and the unique ways you have accommodated your vision.
  2. Transcript— A current, complete transcript of grades. Grade reports are unacceptable. Online or unofficial transcripts must display the student’s name, their institution’s name, their grade and credit hours earned for each course, and the term during which each course was taken.
  3. Resume— A current resume describing the student’s work experience.
  4. Certification of Nystagmus Diagnosis— Applicants must also include medical confirmation of their nystagmus diagnosis. Medical confirmation should be on professional stationery and signed by a medical professional.

Applicants are responsible for gathering and submitting all necessary information. Applications are evaluated based on the information supplied; therefore, all questions must be answered as completely as possible. Incomplete applications will not be assessed. All received information will be considered confidential and reviewed by only ANN board members.

Applicants will receive acknowledgment of receipt of their application. If an acknowledgment card is not received within three weeks, applicants may email [email protected] to verify receipt of their applications.

Recipients have no other obligation to ANN; however, by applying for the scholarship, applicants agree to be contacted by ANN and to allow ANN to publish, print, and use their biography and nystagmus experience statement without charge. Recipients agree to provide a photo to be used in scholarship publications. Recipients must notify ANN of any changes in address, school enrollment, or other relevant information and send a complete transcript when requested. All applicants agree to accept award decisions as final.

The American Nystagmus Network, Inc., reserves the right to review this scholarship program’s conditions and procedures and make changes at any time, including terminating the program.

Year#Applicants#AwardsTotal Awarded
2018 5$5,000