
My Child has Nystagmus – What I Should Know

ANN’s guide for parents with a child diagnosed with nystagmus.

Navigating Health Insurance

ANN’s guide to navigating your health insurance to make the most of your health plan.

Nystagmus Information Card

ANN information card containing a basic description of nystagmus and about the American Nystagmus Network.

Gene Vision is a UK site for genetic eye disorders. It is an on-line fully accessible web resource for both health care professionals and patients, so they could equally benefit from the sharing of knowledge and expertise in genetic eye disease.

The link is for their Childhood Nystagmus: for patients resource.

The Secret to Raising a Resilient Kid

The ability to bounce back is more important now than ever; here’s how to impart it.


Young Adult Panel 2021

A panel of high school and college students with nystagmus will answer questions from the audience. The possible topics cover the gamut of topics from nystagmus in school to handling social situations, and everything in between.

Young Adult Panel 2019

This is the young adult panel discussion that took place at the 2019 ANN conference. Panelists are Hannah, Brooke, Nico, and Alex.

Teen Panel 2015

This is the teen panel discusstion that took place at the 2015 ANN conference. Panelists are Alec, Jennifer, Connor, Kyle, and Juan.

Teen Panel 2013

This is the teen panel discusstion that took place at the 2013 ANN conference. Panelists are Connor, Leah, Peyton, Juan, and Alec.

Creating Confidence in your Children – A Proactive Approach to Bullying

This is presentation from the 2013 ANN conference. Mary Alice Fuhrer, a clinical social worker, discusses how to create a confident, positive mindset in your children.

Neuro-rehabilitation of Visual Impairments in Nystagmus – Hidden Visual Problems

This is presentation from the 2011 ANN conference. Dr. Stanley Appelbaum is a behavioral optometrist and is primarily concerned with prevention, treatment, and enhancement of the visual system. This presentation covers the hidden visual problems associated with nystagmus.

Navigating Health Insurance Claims

This is presentation from the 2011 ANN conference. Matt Case dicusses the options and strategies to health insurance claims and recourses if denied.

Resources supported by a grant from the Delta Gamma Foundation