ANN Resources

Tips for Living With Nystagmus

A series of videos from past ANN Conferences that discus the many ways to maneuver through life with nystagmus

Using Technology Video

Using Technology

Presentation by Jim Conley on effectively using technology to ease living with nystagmus.

Tips and Trick for Living with Nystagmus Video

Tips & Tricks for Living with Nystagmus

Tips, tricks, and “hacks” for living with Nystagmus from the people who use tips and tricks to get along every day. The session covers tips at home, at work or school, and while traveling. It’s a discussion of both physical tools as well as some of the emotional “hacks” and tools that can help cope with the condition, and how to get by in the broader world.

Tips for Living with Nystagmus 2017 Video

Tips for Living with Nystagmus 2017

James Rath and Jim Conley discuss everyday tips and trick for living with nystagmus in a lively discussion at ANN’s 2017 Conference.

Low Vision Resources and Options Video

Low Vision Resources and Options

In this session we examine various vision specialties and low vision resources that are available to parents and patients with nystagmus. Our goal will be to help you communicate effectively and efficiently with medical and non‐ medical partners and providers as you chart your course to navigate the best treatment, accommodations or other low vision resources. We’ll also leave time for Q&A to learn how Dr. Siemsen deals with patients and families as they seek treatment from various eye‐related specialties at the Mayo clinic.

Assistive Technology for Nystagmus Video

Assistive Technology for Nystagmus

Dr. Suleiman Alibhai gives a presentation on assistive technology for low vision at the 2011 ANN Conference

Living with Nystagmus Video

Living with Nystagmus – How I see

I describe my experience living with the eye condition Nystagmus, which means I have involuntary movements of the eyes. My brain compensates for it as best it can, so my world is reasonably still. But it does make it more difficult to focus on things. To read text, it has to be close to me or I have to enlarge it. And for things in the distance, I have to use a pocket telescope (a monocular) to see writing and other detail. It hasn’t stopped me living my life though, so I’m happy.

Adults with Nystagmus Discussion Panel 2019 Video

Adults with Nystagmus Discussion Panel 2019

This is a Facebook video, which will require you to sign in and be a member of the ANN Facebook Group.

A panel of adults with nystagmus answer questions from the audience. In this session we look for common themes, questions, challenges, and tools we all use to live our best lives. The discussion is open, honest, and a terrific way to gain perspectives from bonds with other participants.

Tips for Living with Nystagmus 2019 Video

Tips for Living with Nystagmus 2019

This is a Facebook video, which will require you to sign in and be a member of the ANN Facebook Group.

The interactive session focuses on peer-to-peer coaching. It uncovers tips, strategies, and tools we use at home, at work, or at school, and while traveling to overcome some of the challenges in our daily lives. Participants often recall finding simple, yet life-altering techniques that will help reduce stress and raise productivity and satisfaction with many of life’s everyday tasks.

Adult Discussion Panel 2021

Adult Discussion Panel – 2021

A panel of adults with nystagmus will answer questions from the audience. In this session we will look for common themes, questions, challenges, and tools we all use to live our best lives. The discussion will be open, honest, and a terrific way to gain perspectives and form bonds with other participants that will last throughout the conference and beyond.


Nystagmus in a School Setting

For Parents and Spouses

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