Videos on research into various aspects of nystagmus.

A Story of Discovery and Change: What We Learned From Studying Nystagmus In Infancy and Childhood ‐ Dr. Richard Hertle, MD

This presentation will summarize decades of research and experience diagnosing and treating nystagmus in infancy and childhood.

Research Updates from Around the World – 2021

Learn what is new in the field of nystagmus research. Presenters from around the world will share their nystagmus research with conference attendees.

1-Lap of the Globe of Nystagmus Research – 2017

In this video, we take one lap around the world to survey various researchers and the work they are currently doing to investigate nystagmus. Several of these researchers will come to us by video to introduce themselves and describe their latest work.

Animal Models to Aid in our Understanding of Infantile Nystagmus – 2017

Dr. Linda McLoon from the University of Minnesota presents some of her basic research on nystagmus.

2011 Conference Keynote Presentation

Dr. Richard Hertle delivers the keynote presentation at the bi-annual American Nystagmus Network Conference.