Nystagmus is an involuntary, repetitive eye movement that usually results in some degree of visual loss and may be associated with other, more serious conditions that limit vision. The degree and direction of eye movement, amount of visual loss, and resulting impairment vary greatly from person to person. Nystagmus may be one of several infantile types or may be acquired later in life.
Nystagmus, which occurs in infancy, has many names, including Congenital Nystagmus (CN), Infantile Nystagmus (IN), and early onset Nystagmus. Many people with these disorders lead normal, active lives. Those with very poor vision usually have associated sensory deficits responsible for the greater part of their vision loss.
When does it develop?
Each year thousands of adults develop (acquire) nystagmus due to other medical conditions such as strokes and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). These are often associated with oscillopsia (the experience of the world ‘wiggling’), poor vision, and loss of balance. Often acquired nystagmus is a result of neurological problems and may respond to certain drugs, depending on the nystagmus cause.
Glasses or contact lenses do not correct nystagmus, although they may damp (reduce) CN; they should be worn to correct other vision problems. Vision may vary during the day and is likely to be affected by emotional and physical factors such as stress, tiredness, nervousness, or unfamiliar surroundings. Most people with CN and no other visual problems can see well enough to drive a car.
The angle of vision is important. Most individuals with CN have a null point (a gaze angle where the CN damps); this point can be found and used by looking to one side or the other, where the eye movement is reduced, and vision improved.
Those with a null point will often adopt a head posture to make their vision’s best use. Sitting to one side of a screen, blackboard, etc., does not help because it reduces the angle at which the screen is viewed, causing ‘crowding.’ A better solution is to sit directly in front and adopt the preferred head turn or have corrective surgery (or use prisms) to eliminate the head turn.
Small print. Many can read the tiny print if it is close enough or with a visual aid. However, large print material should be available, and all written matter should be clear. It is tough to share a book with someone because it will probably be too far away or at the wrong angle.
Good lighting is important. If in doubt, get a specialist’s advice, particularly as some people are also light sensitive. Computers are used by many people with nystagmus, who benefit from them as they can position screens to suit their own needs and adjust brightness, character size, etc. However, some find it difficult to read computer screens. Reading speed is not usually reduced by nystagmus itself but by other associated visual deficits. CN should not be taken as a predictor of poor reading.
Balance can be a problem in acquired nystagmus, making it difficult to go up and downstairs. Finally, a widespread lack of understanding of the various types of nystagmus is often as much a source of difficulty as nystagmus itself. We are doing our best to overcome this problem and would be glad to help with this aim.
ANN is an all-volunteer run organization, and we rely on volunteers to do the organization’s work. Ann is continuously working to improve the ways we recruit and utilize volunteers to maximize their talents.
Find information and learn more about nystagmus on our Resources page and learn about the American Nystagmus Network organization here.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Nystagmus Network (U.K.) to use this text, with minor revisions.