2023 Conference “Feel the Rhythm of Nystagmus in Nashville, Tennessee!”

Nashville, Tennessee
July 28-30, 2023

This conference was aimed at supporting all those affected by nystagmus. The conference provided a chance to learn about nystagmus, meet other people with nystagmus, talk to parents of children with nystagmus, and become a part of our community. 

The conference included: presentations by experts followed by Q&A, moderated group discussions for specific categories of those affected by nystagmus, and separate panel discussions with teens, adults, and a special workplace panel.

The special program tailored specifically for young children, Camp Nystagmus, returned for its Nashville, TN version! Camp Nystagmus is offered for children in grades pre-K to 8th grade. It is for children with nystagmus, siblings without nystagmus, and children of parents with nystagmus. The camp provides an opportunity for students to realize they are not alone. Everyone at camp is connected by nystagmus!

2023 Conference Agenda