[VIDEO] Workplace Navigation

Video Session on Workplace Tips and Tricks Resources supported by a generous grant from the Delta Gamma Foundation

Navigating Health Insurance

ANN’s guide to navigating your health insurance to make the most of your health plan. Resources supported by a generous grant from the Delta Gamma Foundation

Tips for Living With Nystagmus

A series of videos from past ANN Conferences that discus the many ways to maneuver through life with nystagmus Using Technology Presentation by Jim Conley on effectively using technology to ease living with nystagmus. Tips & Tricks for Living with Nystagmus Tips, tricks, and “hacks” for living with Nystagmus from the people who use tips […]

Documents for Navigating Nystagmus in School

Slides answering many frequently asked questions about dealing with nystagmus in a school setting Chart highlighting the differences between an accommodation and a modification as it relates to individualized education plans (IEP or 504) Parent Teacher Communication Guide ANN’s guide for parents to communicate their child’s specific needs to their teacher. We are providing two […]

The ABCs of IEPs

The ABCs of IEPs (and 504s) A teacher, administrator, and parent, Janine Rossi, M S discusses her own journey obtaining an IEP for her son as well as various programs and plans including 504 and IFSP plans. She discusses the difference between accommodation and modification and offers helpful advice based on her experiences. Resources supported […]


What Every Parent Should Know Discussion for parents and educators about how to talk to your school, and determine whether an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is right for your child with nystagmus, as well as understanding more about when and how accommodations are available. Slides from presentation: Resources supported by a generous grant from the […]

Written Reference Material

The following written documents provide useful information about different aspects of nystagmus in the workplace. A Model of Successful Work Experience for Employees Who are Visually Impaired- The Results of a Study by Dawn B. Golub Adaptive Needs in the Workplace for the Visually Impaired Employees Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Summary for Employees with Vision […]

Apps for the Visually Impaired

Smartphone apps that help make it easier to live in a world where we can’t see as well as others. Ability Ability is an app that helps people with any type of disability successfully navigate public places and search for accessible features at any public space (example: store, restaurant, park, etc.) Access Note AccessNote is a sophisticated […]

Nystagmus in a School Setting – Evelyn Gonzalez

2017 Conference Presentation This session, from ANN’s 2017 Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, explores navigating IEPs and 504s for students with nystagmus, the difference between accommodations and modifications, preparing for meetings with various school leaders, and strategies for state and national testing. Evelyn shares her experiences as a parent of two children with nystagmus and the […]

Nystagmus Medical ID Card

Medical information card for those with nystagmus, so eye movements are not misinterpreted. Resources supported by a generous grant from the Delta Gamma Foundation